Until the construction of the first Protestant church in Carambeí Colony, immigrants would gather on Sundays to worship God in a house provided by the Brazil Railway Company. The house also was used as a multigrade school on weekdays. In the 1930s, the headquarters of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Carambeí were built. As a result, the believers, who were waiting since the 1920s for a pastor, now, with the establishment of the IERC, felt rewarded: in 1935, Reverend Müller and his wife came to the colony: couple who would profoundly influence the lives of those people.
Along with his wife, Pastor Müller founded several associations. Mrs. Müller organized associations for young and old women who prospered under her guidance. Pastor Müller founded an association in which young people of both sexes met every two weeks; these acts gave a new lease to the community’s social life.


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